"What a great ministry you have. ALL positive feedback from everybody... you are so gifted at weaving the Gospel message all through what you do. We'll be talking you up to as many pastors as possible." - local pastor

"Your talents seem to be never ending!" -local Baptist Church leadership
"They were so entertaining and so very kind. Great folks." - Letter to the editor, Bridgton News
"I know the conditions were not great (snow and windy) but you would never know that by your performance. You are the best." - Exec. Dir., Carroll County, NH ASPCA

"It was WONDERFUL to have you back at CVCS again last week! You all were such a blessing to us!" - High School principal
"It is wonderful to have a fresh approach to faith that can touch them in new ways. And they certainly grasped that faith does not have to be stuffy or boring." - Chaplain, Maine State Prison
"Thank you so much for including us on your performance trip again this year. Your ministry is so unique and such a blessing and a joy to our students (and staff J)." -The Fold Family Ministries, Lyndonville, Vt

"I was so really impressed with your show. I thought God was impressed, too." - prison inmate
"Your closing remarks on God's grace were especially moving. Some were even crying. As you know, this is a population that feels pretty beat up and / or abandoned. Your coming (to the prison) countered these messages." - prison chaplain

"Thank you for coming to the prison yesterday. The women really appreciated your coming and being with them . I was impressed with how engaged with you and attentive with you they were. Everyone on the unit participated and were engaged along the way. It was a treat they don't often get." - prison chaplain