“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that we have been called to use the gifts God has given us to reach unbelievers for Him and to encourage, and build up His Church.

LOL Goes to Vermont, Day 2

After a less than perfect night's sleep, I woke up on the floor of the host church's Sunday School room to start my first full day with my students in Vermont.  This was our slowest day of the schedule, so the cooking team, under the supervision of my wife, prepared eggs and English muffins for the whole team of 23.  After this, Chloe led the eighth grade devotional by simply having us go outside into the field adjacent to the church  and have silent prayer time.  What a great idea for our first morning.

Then the day truly got under way.  First stop was Champlain Valley Christian School in Vergennes.  This is an annual commitment, and they re always so welcoming.  Dillon did his eighth grade solo.  Although he forgot his ripstick at school, he did his full repetoire of juggling from balls to axes.  (He will be doing it again at awards night complete with ripstick.  If you don't know what this is, it is like a skateboard but has only two wheels and is controlled with leg movements.  He rides back and forth across the stage on it while juggling.)  We did our full hour program, and the CVCS audience was enthralled the entire time.

We packed up from that gig and headed north to Milton, Vermont.  Here we met up with Elevation Christian School.  This is an alternative school for teens who are struggling in traditional high schools in the area.  These are kids who have been bullied, have truancy issues, been expelled, etc.  We got there in time to have lunch with them - a pizza party, which is always a safe bet when bringing groups of teens together.  I really stressed with my team the importance of mingle with our guests instead of interacting only with each other. This is hard for a lot of kids, but LOL really stepped out of their comfort zone and by the end of lunch, an outsider could not have figured out which kids were with which group.  

The Elevation kids then went back to classes while we set up our show in the sanctuary.  Once we were ready our new friends arrived, along with some parents and other guests.  The show was almost perfect.  Here Killian did his solo.  Being arguably one of the two best jugglers in the clss this year, I knew I could count on a good performance, and he did not disappoint.  The highlight, though, was in our closing routine, "Beautiful Scandalous Night".  This is a high visual routine that would be hard to explain with words, but I can say that  we presented it in a way there that allowed their students to be involved alongside ours.  One of the dads in the audience was moved to tears, as were some kids from both groups.  It was the show form this year that the kids will be talking about for a long time.

From here we went souvenier shopping, then to a local gym for showers (Praise God!).  Eventually we ended up back at the base for supper, free time and chapel.  But God wasn't done with us yet.  Kids opened up about a lot of things throughout chapel, and there was a strong sense of healing and redemption in the air.  Later that night, while the chaperones were in our meeting - a prime time for the kids to fool around in the rooms instead of go to bed, the boys all decided to...pray together for each other!  

We grow as we serve, and we grow together as we serve together.

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A Few Testimonies

The presentation was fun and encouraging... The gospel message was clear and encouraging. I purchased your book and just finished it. Your scope is broad and again encouraging. May God continue to bless your ministry. I will encourage others to read your book. -Parishioner of a local church

"Hey, I  wanted to say that was a great message in chapel today! It touched something:) thanks for doing it!" -High School Student  

"We are so grateful that you brought your amazing ministry back to our church this year... The Gospel message you bring applies to all!  It is such a positive, valuable work that you do."  -Coordinator of Christian Ed. UCC Church

"There's no questioning it. This is powerful stuff. It's extremely touching at times, never less than entertaining, and I see a lot of sincere love for Jesus in you guys."  -Dwight Lilies, song writer

The Lord has given you a wonderful window through which to present the Gospel!   - Field Director of Alliance Missions to Paraguay

"What a wonderful ministry to both children and adults.  In past years it has been a struggle to arrange programing that would hold the attention of all ages, but also challenge each heart with God's gift of Salvation.  Thank you for sharing your ministry."  -Sunday School Sup't.

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