“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that we have been called to use the gifts God has given us to reach unbelievers for Him and to encourage, and build up His Church.

The Voice of God and a Rubber Chicken

There have been times, fairly often over the years, when I begin to think that my juggling days are finally over. There was mono in 1979, tendonitis in 1985, the broken leg in 2003, and many other, less dramatic events that caused me to wonder is my career as a juggler ending. Recently this pessimistic line of thinking resurfaced due to a few cancellations of shows and few practices affected negitively by repetitive motion injuries. In addition, there was the recent death of our dove, and - seriously - one of my rubber chickens heads popped off! No, the body didn't keep running around after the beheading. Actually, it was one of the rubber chickens my class uses. I have my own that are doing fine. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, as these chickens have been used for juggling, dove pan productions, slapstick gags,and Chicken-Slap; a classic summer camp game.

But one day, shortly after the rubber chicken was decapitated, I went up to my classroom, and there, on my desk, was a new, beautiful, rubber chicken. I still do not know who donated it, bnd this is no ordinary latex poultry: It's larger, more robust, and brighter than any previous chickens I have owned. It's neck is stiff rather than floppy, making it juggle more like a club, and the squeaker inside of it is deafeningly loud! It is the Rolls Royce of rubber chickens.

So how, after such an obvious assurance, can I doubt that God calls me to continue to serve Him through juggling, magic, etc. That He would put it on someone's heart to give such a beautiful (in a clownish way) donation to our cause is wonderfully reassuring. Not only does God care when a sparrow falls, He cares when a rubber chicken passes from comical prop to gruesome carnage.

Thank you to whoever gave me the new latex chicken. not only did you help out LOL with a new prop, you've encouraged me to press on. It's not time to quit yet.
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A Few Testimonies

The presentation was fun and encouraging... The gospel message was clear and encouraging. I purchased your book and just finished it. Your scope is broad and again encouraging. May God continue to bless your ministry. I will encourage others to read your book. -Parishioner of a local church

"Hey, I  wanted to say that was a great message in chapel today! It touched something:) thanks for doing it!" -High School Student  

"We are so grateful that you brought your amazing ministry back to our church this year... The Gospel message you bring applies to all!  It is such a positive, valuable work that you do."  -Coordinator of Christian Ed. UCC Church

"There's no questioning it. This is powerful stuff. It's extremely touching at times, never less than entertaining, and I see a lot of sincere love for Jesus in you guys."  -Dwight Lilies, song writer

The Lord has given you a wonderful window through which to present the Gospel!   - Field Director of Alliance Missions to Paraguay

"What a wonderful ministry to both children and adults.  In past years it has been a struggle to arrange programing that would hold the attention of all ages, but also challenge each heart with God's gift of Salvation.  Thank you for sharing your ministry."  -Sunday School Sup't.

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